
Accelerated GCM packet (one shot) @param key The secret key @param keylen The length of the secret key @param IV The initial vector @param IVlen The length of the initial vector @param adata The additional authentication data (header) @param adatalen The length of the adata @param pt The plaintext @param ptlen The length of the plaintext (ciphertext length is the same) @param ct The ciphertext @param tag out The MAC tag @param taglen [in/out] The MAC tag length @param direction Encrypt or Decrypt mode (GCM_ENCRYPT or GCM_DECRYPT) @return CRYPT_OK on success

struct ltc_cipher_descriptor
int function(const ubyte* key, c_ulong keylen, const ubyte* IV, c_ulong IVlen, const ubyte* adata, c_ulong adatalen, ubyte* pt, c_ulong ptlen, ubyte* ct, ubyte* tag, c_ulong* taglen, int direction) nothrow accel_gcm_memory;
