
Accelerated CCM packet (one-shot) @param key The secret key to use @param keylen The length of the secret key (octets) @param uskey A previously scheduled key [optional can be NULL] @param nonce The session nonce [use once] @param noncelen The length of the nonce @param header The header for the session @param headerlen The length of the header (octets) @param pt out The plaintext @param ptlen The length of the plaintext (octets) @param ct out The ciphertext @param tag out The destination tag @param taglen [in/out] The max size and resulting size of the authentication tag @param direction Encrypt or Decrypt direction (0 or 1) @return CRYPT_OK if successful

struct ltc_cipher_descriptor
int function(const ubyte* key, c_ulong keylen, symmetric_key* uskey, const ubyte* nonce, c_ulong noncelen, const ubyte* header, c_ulong headerlen, ubyte* pt, c_ulong ptlen, ubyte* ct, ubyte* tag, c_ulong* taglen, int direction) nothrow accel_ccm_memory;
